public Safety

Public safety is Alderman Silverstein’s chief priority. She has an open line to the police commanders who serve the 50th Ward and is always willing to help community members with any safety concerns. Please see below for information about the police districts in the 50th Ward and details about upcoming CAPS meetings. As always, if you are experiencing an emergency, please call 9-1-1.

Police Districts in the 50th Ward

The 50th Ward is served by three police stations: the 24th, 17th, and 20th districts. Each district has dedicated community policing offices which hold regular CAPS meetings. Read on for more information about the various police beats in the 50th Ward. To find your beat, visit:


24th District – Rogers Park

17th District – Albany Park

20th District – Lincoln

Find Your Police Beat

Each police district is broken into beats with dedicated officers who patrol and know the area well. Each beat also holds regular community policing or CAPS meeting. To find your police beat, visit or view the interactive map below:

CAPS Meeting Schedule

Each police beat holds regular community policing meetings. To find your CAPS meeting schedule, visit the 50th Ward Calendar or view the community engagement calendar for your police district: