The 50th Ward Office is always available to help you access any of your city service needs. Below are some of our most frequently requested resources and services. If you have any questions, or need help with any City department, please contact the Ward Office at (773) 262-1050 or

Block Parties
Block parties are a summer fixture in Chicago and help bring the community together. If you would like to host one on your block, please fill out the Block Party Intake Form. The 50th Ward Office will then email you a permit.
The City of Chicago offers free bouncy houses over the summer to make your block party special. When the program is open, you can apply online here.
For any questions, or to follow up on the status of your block party permit, contact the 50th Ward Office at (773) 262-1050 or
Block Party Intake Form
Street Sweeping
The Department of Streets and Sanitation cleans the streets in the 50th Ward and the City of Chicago every spring and summer. Sweeping season officially starts at the beginning of April and runs through late-November.
You can view this year’s schedule below, or download a printable version on the Department of Streets and Sanitation website here. Please double-check your address on the map to make sure you are looking at the correct section.
As always, the map is for informational purposes only. All areas and times are subject to change. Comply with posted signs at all times. If you have any questions, contact the 50th Ward Office.
Garbage Collection
The City collects garbage and recycling from all single-family homes and apartment buildings of four units or less. Garbage is collected once a week, and blue carts are picked up once every two weeks. Please see the image below for the garbage collection day of 50th Ward homes. To find your exact collection day, visit

Garage Sales
Chicago residents are permitted to hold two garage, yard, or apartment sales per calendar year. If you would like to host a sale, you must obtain a permit from the 50th Ward. Come to the Ward Office at 2949 W. Devon during normal business hours to get your permit.
You can also fill out the paperwork and email it to Make sure to include a photo of your driver’s license or ID card showing your address. You can download the application below in English or Spanish:
Speed Hump Petitions
Speed humps can be an effective tool to reduce traffic speed and could help make your block safer. Speed humps can be installed on either a residential street or in an alley.
Speed humps do have several drawbacks, including slowing emergency vehicles and equipment. For that reason, they are not a perfect fit for every block. The 50th Ward Office requires a petition process to install speed humps to make sure they are the right solution for your street or alley. After 90% of homes sign the petition, please return it to the Ward Office and we will work with the Chicago Department of Transportation to determine the feasibility of having them installed.
You can download a petition for a residential street or an alley below:
Disabled Parking
The City of Chicago offers Residential Disabled Parking to provide disabled City residents with convenient and accessible parking in close proximity to their residences.
Applications are available at the 50th Ward Office or online here.
Completed applications and the $70.00 fee should be submitted via mail to:
P.O. Box 803100
Chicago, IL 60680-3100
ATTN: Disabled Permit Section
Be sure to submit the following:
- A complete application for Disabled Parking Signs. All sections must be completed.
- A copy of a valid permanent disabled plate or placard issued by the Secretary of State to the applicant at the address where the signs are to be posted.
- Proof of residency for the address where the signs are to be posted (i.e., Driver’s License or State ID).
- A $70.00 application fee by check or money order made payable to the City of Chicago.
For more information and any questions, click here or call the 50th Ward Office at (773) 262-1050.
Utility Charge Exemptions & Rebates
The City of Chicago offers discounts on utility bills for senior citizens and not-for-profit organizations. There are three water and sewer fee exemption programs for which you or your organization may be eligible:
Senior Citizen Sewer Charge Exemption & Rebate
Seniors aged 65 or over can receive an exemption from payment of the sewer service charge, or an annual $50 rebate if their property is not eligible. This exemption provides substantial savings to seniors.
The application for the senior citizen sewer exemption or rebate can be found here. Completed forms should be emailed to or mailed to:
City of Chicago Department of Finance
Utility Billing & Customer Service
P.O. Box 6330
Chicago, IL 60680-6330
For more information, including eligibility criteria, click here.
Senior Citizen Garbage Fee Discount
No application is required. If a customer is currently receiving the Cook County Senior Assessment Freeze, the Senior Garbage Fee Discount will be automatically applied to their utility bill. For more information on the Cook County Senior Freeze, please see the Cook County Assessor’s website.
Not-For-Profit Organization Exemption
Eligible not-for-profit organizations can receive an exemption of water and sewer charges, based on the organization’s net assets. Eligible accounts must have a water meter in order to receive the exemption. An application for the exemption can be found here. For more information on eligibility, click here.