There will be a virtual public meeting on Thursday July 6, 2023 at 6:00 PM to discuss a proposed Special Use application for the Dunkin Donuts at 6254 N. Western Ave.
The applicant is seeking a Special Use with no changes to the underlying C2-2 zoning. The property owner is proposing an extension renovation of the property that will allow it to incorporate a single drive-through lane to operate in conjunction with the Dunkin Donuts restaurant. The new restaurant building will be one-story in height and contain approximately 1,562 sq. ft. of floor area. The proposed drive-through lane will be accessed from N. Western Ave. and wrap around the new building. After completing an order, drive-through customers will exit the property onto southbound N. Western Ave. The proposed site plan includes four (4) off-street parking spaces for customers to use. New landscaping and fencing will be installed around the perimeter of the property.
The public is invited to join the virtual meeting at https://zoom.us/join using the following credentials:
Meeting ID: 817 8016 1269
Passcode: 971886
The applicant and attorney will be in attendance to present the plans and answer any questions. For more information, contact Nick Ftikas at the Law Offices of Samuel V.P. Banks at 312-782-1983 or [email protected].